On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 10:56:30AM -0600, Guy Helmer wrote:
> The problem is probably due to the poll system call that the threaded
> library does before performing the read().  In the non-threaded case, the
> read() returns when the timeout is hit; in the threaded case, the threaded
> library's poll() has to succeed before the read system call will be
> executed, and poll() won't succeed until the buffer is full.
> If you would like to try this patch (relative to FreeBSD 4.3) to
> /sys/net/bpf.c and /sys/net/bpfdesc.h and let me know if it helps, I will
> add this patch to PR 22063 and perhaps commit it if it passes review.

It works like a charm now! Thanks for this.
It's really really nice to have a 'proper' working application now :-)

I would be happy if you could get this fixed in the source-tree,
so that I (and other people of course) can enjoy the charms of
bpf-access in a threaded environment!


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