Hi, freebsd-hackers.

Recently I was trying to change some syscalls numbers (i.e. syscall
exit would have number 5 and syscall open would have number 1).
My thought was, that for that operation one must edit file
/usr/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master and remake world. I edited the file
named above, rebooted in single-user mode, and ran "make buildworld &&
make buildkernel && make installkernel && make installworld".
Everything seems to be OK, new kernel has been built and installed (I
think it is `new', because /kernel has the creation date of "make
installkernel" and diff says it differs from /kernel.old ), but
        mov eax,1
        push eax
        int 80h
still performs exit.

Could you point me, what wrong assumptions/steps have I done?
Any help is very good.

PS: please cc me in your reply, as I am not subscriber of this list,
or reply directly to me, if you consider this thread OT.
; NKritsky
; SysAdmin InternetHelp.Ru
; http://www.internethelp.ru

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