NOTE: THIS IS A STRAWMAN PROPOSAL! Take it all with a grain of salt! For a long while now I've been running with the bwk version of awk in preference to the GNU gawk shipped in the base OS. Nothing has broken as a result of the change, therefore I'm starting to wonder if a NO_AWK macro for make.conf might not be appropriate. The change hasn't broken any of my buildworld's since the beginning, although a naked buildworld without any awk present will certainly fall over hard. Regardless, I would like to float (and ONLY that) the question of adding a NO_AWK macro to make.conf. It can be done in a way that will not break a bootstrap buildworld, yet still allow a third-party awk to be installed into the production system, and I have a(n almost complete) set of patches to submit that accomplish this. So the question is: is there interest? If so, I'll put the patches up (only against STABLE for now I'm afraid) for review.
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