* Eric Masson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010926 15:25]:
> Hello,
> Since I installed my DSL gateway with FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE, the DSL link
> freezes every 24 hours more or less, no more traffic possible at this
> moment.

Just a thought (if you're using DHCP)
Are you seeing a lot of blocked packets in on your
DHCPed interface - something like:

:29.751341 2x ep0 @0:5 b,67 ->,68 PR udp len 20 328  IN
26/09/2001 16:36:30.501444 4x ep0 @0:5 b,67 ->,68

Could be your lease is expiring (especially if it's failing regularly),
and your ISPs routers are blocking you?

I only mention it because I noticed I have shedloads in my logs, although
our ISP is thankfully pretty slack abouit expiring leases.
Although /var is slowly filling up...

Maybe try the freebsd-net  mailing list otherwise.

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