* Jason Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010914 18:39]:
> Brooks Davis wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 10:30:37AM -0400, Leo Bicknell wrote:
> > > On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 03:02:03PM +0100, Rasputin wrote:
> > > > Is there any difference between Gold and Silver cards from
> > > > a compatibility standpoint (with the usual Apple Airport cards)?
> > >
> > > With WEP encryption turned off they both work together fine. I've
> > > seen many used in mixed enviornments. With WEP turned on, they
> > > are completely incomptable. The silver cards do a 40 bit encryption,
> > > and the gold cards do a 128 bit encryption, and it seems the gold
> > > cards can't be stepped back to 40 bit.
> >
> > Unless Apple is mangling the firmware or someone screwed up the driver,
> > this is false. Gold Lucent cards are capable of 40-bit crypto.
> Aren't the airport cards just plain old Silver Lucent cards? If so,
> then
> either the Gold or the Silver should work fine.
> In fact I know the silver works fine because I have an Airport at home
> that
> I talk to with a Silver card. There's a FreeBSD port that lets you
> configure the box from your machine. In Windowsland there's a program
> called FreeBase, and of course the Airport comes with Mac tools bundled.
Thnaks a lot for the confirmation - for the record, I'm trying
to replace a basestation, not communicate with one.
But as long as Lucents are compatible, I 'll go for one of those..
(I only need WEP while I get a crash course in IPSec :) )
I take it the PCI PCMCIA adapters are still unsupported?
(on 4-STABLE)
Did you know that if you took all the economists in the world and lined
them up end to end, they'd still point in the wrong direction?
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns ::
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