Tim Allshorn wrote:
| I need to be able to run a particular program at the last
| minute of each month and yes I know it would be much easier to
| run it at the first minute of each month, but my hands are tied
| and my brain is too puny to work it out.
This cannot be done with cron, even with multiple entries. You
can use cron to schedule something for minute zero of each month
and that should be good enough for any reasonable use.
If you are working for somebody irrational who thinks he needs
something done on the last minute of each month, you'll have to
run it at 23:59 on days 28-31 every month and have the program
determine for itself if this is the last day of this month this
For those who think it can be done with multiple entries, you
have forgotten that one month has a variable number of days and
cron has no concept of years -- so you can't specify the right
thing for the last day of February in a crontab file. And if
you don't care about the leap year case for February, then you
can't possibly care if the job is run on the zeroth minute of
the first of the month, and that's easy to specify.
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