ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 191 of 64-79 (ad0s1 bn 191; cn 0 tn 3
sn 2) retrying
ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 191 of 64-79 (ad0s1 bn 191; cn 0 tn 3
sn 2) retrying
ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 191 of 64-79 (ad0s1 bn 191; cn 0 tn 3
sn 2) retrying
ad0s1a: UDMA ICRC error reading fsbn 191 of 64-79 (ad0s1 bn 191; cn 0 tn 3
sn 2) falling back to PIO mode

we currently do replication on disks for mirrors of webservers.
I am wondering what this PIO mode is and if this message should be any
concern to me at all.

we use dd to replicate complete disks....but i have been noticing fdisk
bitching about wrong geometry.


|              BRAVENET WEB SERVICES                   |
|                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
|      screen;cd /usr/src;make buildworld;cd ~         |
|     cp MYKERNEL /sys/i386/conf;cd /usr/src           |
|        make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL            |
|make installkernel KERNCONF=MYKERNEL;make installworld|

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