On 10-Sep-01 Brooks Davis wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 09:35:24AM -0700, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:
>> > Come to think of it, it might be as easy as:  [**UNTESTED**]
>> > 
>> > case ${ifconfig_args}; in
>> >    [Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp]*)
>> >            set $ifconfig_args
>> >            shift
>> >            ifconfig_add_args="$*"
>> >            ......
>> > 
>> > ..provided there is a requirement that the ifconfig_args should *start*
>> > with 'dhcp' (which would be easy enough to meet - right now, the args
>> > have to *be* 'dhcp', so any additional arguments would be stapled on at
>> > the end).
>> This sounds as the best solution. This would allow to set an interface
>> to be DHCP (variable dhcp_interfaces get set) and take the rest of the
>> arguments (like media/mediaopt) and apply them to the interface before
>> the dhclient gets started.
> If you want to go this route, make dhcp be the last argument not the
> first one.  If ifconfig understood dhcp (on my todo list) it would have
> to be the last argument if you wanted it to work reliably because args
> are processed in order and if your interface requires that you set the
> media before it works, it's not going to work very well to run dhcp and
> then fix the media.  At least making dhcp be last insures that it will
> continue to work once ifconfig grows dhcp support[*].

ifconfig won't grok dhcp b/c no one wants it to.  I did that about a year ago
in http://people.freebsd.org/~jhb/patches/ifconfig.dhcp.patch.that.no.one.wants
(It might be a bit stale.)  You are better off fixing the ifconfig args to
allow multiple ifconfig statements much like we do with inet6 and ipx right
now.  I have this done, but again, the patch is stale.  It also centralized a
lot of duplicated cruft in /etc/pccard_ether.  This patch file is way stale,
but here it is: http://people.freebsd.org/~jhb/patches/dhcp.patch

It allows you to have any arbitrary number of ifconfig commands if you really
want.  It also adds dhcp_foo0 variables to control dhcp, and supports the
'dhcp' ifconfig case as backwards compatibility.


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