> beyond "normal HVAC" and stock xtals on the motherboard.  This is
> after we've done the fast interrupt hack.  Without it, the other
> system activity was causing enough interrupt latncy variance that we
> would see more like +- 80us with outliers way off in the weeds
> (+- just under 10ms!).

Warner, this sounds related to a problem we are having...

a student of mine is seeing sporadic but relatively large (~50-100us) variations
in the period of clock interrupts (int0 calls to the assembly
routine). This is in the assembler part of the interrupt
service routine, so the only reason I can see for these
variations is that there are some significantly large sections
of code (this is a 750 MHz box) which run with interrupts
disable on the CPU.

Is this the case ? And if so, what is the "fast interrupt hack" that you
are mentioning and how would it improve things ?


 Luigi RIZZO, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  . ACIRI/ICSI (on leave from Univ. di Pisa)
 http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/  . 1947 Center St, Berkeley CA 94704
 Phone: (510) 666 2927

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