Which just brings me to another point, why not just turn ssh on by default
and turn telnetd off by default, given the latest exploit. Thanks for
bringing up a point that I wanted to bring to the security team for awhile.
Jonathan M. Slivko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
4EverMail Hosting Services
"Are YOU ready for the new Internet?"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nate Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matt Piechota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Carroll, D. (Danny)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 5:11 PM
Subject: RE: Silly crackers... NT is for kids...

> > Even for authentication?
> >
> > I can understand using a telnet client to manually test SMTP servers or
> > other protocols, but I cannot understand why you *need* telnet.
> > Mind you I am against using pop3 as well, unless it's encrypted.
> Example 1:
> You're on an internal heavily firewalled corporate LAN, where none of your
> information is hidden between employees.  So you don't care, and you don't
> have to worry about installing ssh on every PC's desktop, and teaching
> cluon-deprived people to use it.

Agreed, but given the recent telnetd exploit, I'm not sure you want it
on by default.  Even in our heavily-firewalled environment, we don't
want *ALL* of the users to have root access on our FreBSD boxes. :)

Having the users enable it by default makes them more aware of what's
going on.  (Although, one could argue that all the folks who are still
infected with CodeRed initially enabled it, and have done nothing

> Example 2: You're running realtime applications, or applications that
> need all available processing power for performance reasons.  The
> extra overhead of encrypting and decrypting the ssh traffic may drop
> your performance.

Then don't telnet into the box.  If you need to monitor a box over an
insecure network, then encryption/decryption is a necessity, IMHO.

> Let's not forget that until the recently done work of the OpenSSH team,
> you couldn't use SSH in a commercial environment with out paying for it.
> And besides, sniffing passwords isn't that terribly easy if you're using
> switched Ethernet anyways.

Actually, it is.  See the archives of how easy it is to blow the switch
out of the water. :)


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