This is pretty low-priority and I don't think it needs to be
MFC'd for the 4.4 release, but there is a small error in ps's
old-style option handling.  An outstanding example of this is
when one runs `ps Uroot':

$ ps Uroot
ps: rooT: no such user
ps: No users specified

   The problem is that the function ps.c:kludge_oldps_options()
capitalizes any 't' at the end of the option string, regardless
of whether it's a flag or an option argument.  The patch attached
to this message should fix the problem.

| Chris Costello    | The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity. |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                                                    |
Index: ps.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/bin/ps/ps.c,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -r1.40 ps.c
--- ps.c        2001/05/30 03:27:07     1.40
+++ ps.c        2001/08/15 20:55:04
@@ -599,8 +599,12 @@
         * if last letter is a 't' flag with no argument (in the context
         * of the oldps options -- option string NOT starting with a '-' --
         * then convert to 'T' (meaning *this* terminal, i.e. ttyname(0)).
+        *
+        * However, if a flag accepting a string argument is found in the
+        * option string, the remainder of the string is the argument to
+        * that flag; do not modify that argument.
-       if (*cp == 't' && *s != '-')
+       if (strcspn(s, "MNOoUW") == len && *cp == 't' && *s != '-')
                *cp = 'T';
        else {

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