> [...]
> > 2) If a 10k binary is running, the signal is sent,
> and
> > the program is reloaded from disk, but is 100k (or
> 1k
> > even) how does the signal handling function get
> > called, taking into account what Stevens says. 
> Steven
> > states that the sigmask remains for calls across
> exec,
> > so wouldn't the wrong address to the handler
> function
> > be used?
> No, the signal mask is not the address of the
> handler function.  It is
> the bit mask which determines which signals are
> blocked.

Sorry, I think I miss spoke myself.  If a signal
handler is setup in the running process, and exec is
called, replacing the same program, but this time, the
program is much smaller or bigger, will the signal
handler function be in the right place?  The same
program is exec'd, but since it's a different size,
won't the signal handler function pointer, point to
the wrong place?  

In general, if exec'ing a process (regardless if its
the same or not) how are signal handlers sustained, so
that the new process has them as well?

Thank you


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