> My first post on hackers, so please don't flame me too bad :) I think
> that only an old hacker can give me the answer :)
> I've searched far and wide on search engines to find out what the =+
> operator does, to no avail. I'm porting some old code and found it.
I ran into this a couple of times, and it was always a typo by the
programmer. Whether they meant to use "+=" or not wasn't always
clear. In C, you should imagine reading the code with all of the
non-quoted white space removed to see how the compiler will treat
something, so "a =+ 1;" is the same as "a=+1;" or "a = +1;" There
has never been an operator =+, even checking back to the BCPL days.
So, read the code carefully to see if you can figure out if they
meant +=
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