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I'll soon get a DSL line for Internet connectivity but as stated in the
following papers (Thanks to Ted Mittlestaedt), DSL hasn't been designed
as a fully reliable media.

Ted shows a way to add reliability by backing up DSL line via ppp(8)

The exposed method has one major drawback, the need for the isp to
create a special configuration for your use and I don't know if the isp
we've chosen will do that.

Another one is more specific to France where most of the usual DSL
ethernet TAs only support pppoe, thus making ppp(8) mandatory for the
DSL connectivity. So you do not have any arp entry for the address the
isp assigned to you.

How is it possible in this case to detect DSL line failure and then
change default route to use the backup ppp(8) dialup configuration ?

Any idea ?

It would be nice to see this kind of setup handled by ppp(8) via a new
keyword like <backup> which parameter would be the configuration to use
for backup.

Thanks in advance

Eric Masson

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