On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 10:26:06AM -0500, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Jul 31), Dima Dorfman said:
> > Does anybody know (remember?) why portmap_enable (the rc.conf knob)
> > wasn't renamed to rpcbind_enable when portmap became rpcbind?  It
> > seems odd to have a knob called portmap_enable that actually starts
> > something called rpcbind (not to mention violating POLA).
> Probably to keep existing rc.conf's from breaking.  Same reason we've
> still got xntpd_enable.

Would this work (untested, need advice on exact syntax):

Index: rc
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/rc,v
retrieving revision 1.272
diff -u -r1.272 rc
--- rc  2001/07/17 14:33:50     1.272
+++ rc  2001/08/01 00:01:53
@@ -102,10 +102,11 @@
-chkdepend amd amd_enable        portmap portmap_enable
-chkdepend NFS nfs_server_enable portmap portmap_enable
-chkdepend NIS nis_server_enable portmap portmap_enable
-chkdepend NIS nis_client_enable portmap portmap_enable
+chkdepend amd amd_enable        rpcbind rpcbind_enable
+chkdepend NFS nfs_server_enable rpcbind rpcbind_enable
+chkdepend NIS nis_server_enable rpcbind rpcbind_enable
+chkdepend NIS nis_client_enable rpcbind rpcbind_enable
+chkdepend portmapper portmap_enable rpcbind rcpbind_enable
 # Enable harvesting of entropy via devices.  The sooner this happens the
 # better so that we can take advantage of the boot process.
Index: rc.network
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/rc.network,v
retrieving revision 1.102
diff -u -r1.102 rc.network
--- rc.network  2001/07/30 23:12:02     1.102
+++ rc.network  2001/08/01 00:06:29
@@ -521,10 +521,11 @@
-       case ${portmap_enable} in
+       case ${rpcbind_enable} in
-               echo -n ' rpcbind';     ${portmap_program:-/usr/sbin/rpcbind} \
-                       ${portmap_flags}
+               echo -n ' rpcbind'
+               ${rpcbind_program:-${portmap_program:-/usr/sbin/rpcbind}} \
+                       ${rpcbind_flags:-${portmap_flags:-""}}
                # Start ypserv if we're an NIS server.
                # Run rpc.ypxfrd and rpc.yppasswdd only on the NIS master server.
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@
 network_pass3() {
        echo -n 'Starting final network daemons:'
-       case ${portmap_enable} in
+       case ${rpcbind_enable} in
                case ${nfs_server_enable} in
Index: defaults/rc.conf
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/defaults/rc.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.119
diff -u -r1.119 rc.conf
--- defaults/rc.conf    2001/07/28 19:57:57     1.119
+++ defaults/rc.conf    2001/08/01 00:04:06
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@
 nfs_bufpackets="DEFAULT"       # bufspace (in packets) for client (or DEFAULT)
 rpc_lockd_enable="NO"          # Run NFS rpc.lockd (*broken!*) if nfs_server.
 rpc_statd_enable="NO"          # Run NFS rpc.statd if nfs_server (or NO).
-portmap_enable="NO"            # Run the portmapper service (YES/NO).
-portmap_program="/usr/sbin/rpcbind"    # path to portmap, if you want a different one.
-portmap_flags=""               # Flags to portmap (if enabled).
+rpcbind_enable="NO"            # Run the portmapper service (YES/NO).
+rpcbind_program="/usr/sbin/rpcbind"    # path to portmap, if you want a different one.
+rpcbind_flags=""               # Flags to portmap (if enabled).
 rpc_ypupdated_enable="NO"      # Run if NIS master and SecureRPC (or NO).
 keyserv_enable="NO"            # Run the SecureRPC keyserver (or NO).
 keyserv_flags=""               # Flags to keyserv (if enabled).

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