> On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 01:41:24AM -0400, Jake Burkholder wrote:
> > and here is a dump of how far it gets:
> >     http://people.freebsd.org/~jake/tip.record
> One thing I did notice here was the OpenBoot prom version (3.15) which,
> to be blunt, is something Noah had installed on his navigation systems.
> OpenBoot 3.29 is the latest, and did solve a few weird booting issues
> for NetBSD/sparc64 for me.  Solaris patch number is 106121-14 (which
> needs Solaris to install).  I can provide if necessary.

Hmm.  Its not my machine, so I'm not in a position to upgrade
it, but thanks for the info.

> > This isn't really ready for mass consumption yet, as there's no
> > official loader and you need to build a cross compiler yourself,
> > but its a start.
> On the subject of cross-compilers, I've been looking at the various
> toolchains that NetBSD/sparc64, which are all 2.95.* based, and seem
> to have major issues with C++ -- perhaps such a port (which I can
> certainly help with) should be based around 3.0?

I may be wrong, but its my understanding that sparc64 is not
officially supported in 3.0.  The files are there but I've
had no luck building it so far; we may have to wait for
3.1  :-/

> Cool work, BTW..  depending on RealJob constraints, I may be able
> to ship you a U5 so that you can work on it locally if you're
> interested.  Semi-permanent loan until it boots single user :)

That would be excellent.  There's just enough lag to the box
I work on now to be highly annoying (almost the entire port was
written over ssh).

There are quite a few ultra 10s available locally on ebay which
I've been looking at, I just haven't been at my current job long
enough to save up.

> And again, once things have settled down in RealWorld, I'll should
> very well be able to organize remote access to E450's and E4500's
> (got a couple of them lying around spare -- too big to be shipped).

That would also be excellent.  I wouldn't want to try to ship one
to Canada from the US  :).


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