Alfred Perlstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010723 19:47] wr
> ote:
> > Hello
> > I am experimenting with kernel modules and am trying to write to a file.
> > This is the syscall function (sorry of my terminology is messed up)
> >
> > static int write_file(struct proc *p, void *arg) {
> > struct write_args *wstructure;
> > struct open_args *ostructure;
Notice how you (the originator) never allocated memory for these
structures, so this assignment:
> > ostructure->path="/tmp/blehfile";
dereferences junk on the stack. Once you've fixed that, of course,
you'll have to fix all the issues Alfred and Andrew told you about.
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