I've been using this in a PLIST:

1 @exec test -d %D/var/run/procstates || mkdir -p %D/var/run/procstates
2 @exec chown root.wheel %D/var/run/procstates && chmod 1775 %D/var/run/procstates

The rationale for each line:
- 1 Install: make sure that the directory exists, avoiding error messages
    if an earlier instance of the package is on the machine.
- 2 Install: make sure directory has correct permissions.

For some reason, there are machines where the package is added, but 
/var/run/procstates does not get created.  pkg_add has no complaints.

I've looked at the package, root's login environment, and the
pkg_add source code, but I don't see any reason for this anomaly.

Suggestions, anyone?


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