On 23-Jul-01 Weiguang SHI wrote:
> Thanks.
> I think I've found it in btx.s:
>     213                 mov %eax,%cr0                   #
>     214                 ljmp $SEL_SCODE,$init.8         # To 32-bit code
>     215                 .code32
>     216 init.8:         xorl %ecx,%ecx                  # Zero
> And there IS this "ljmp".


> Well, this BTX thing is amazing: all this effort, (btxld, run-time
> library crt0.o, loader, etc.) seems to just to provide a 32-bit
> protected and possibly paging-enabled environment to start the 
> kernel/loader(and to confuse a new-comer like me.) What are the
> other gains? Where can I found more info about this BTX before going
> through the ultimate source code? (I've search the mailing-lists.)

That's its purpose, to provide a mini-kenrel for the loader so we can write the
loader in C and not assembly.  (gcc doesn't do well with generating code for
real mode).


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