I am currently installing a machine on which I want to replace the NULL
and/or UNIONFS mounts with NFS. NFS server and client on the same machine,
to be exact, for jailing purposes (this seems to be the most stable).
The problem is, that at the FreeBSD boot process the NFS filesystems are
mounted before the NFS-related daemons are started, so I can't do this in
a clean way (from /etc/fstab).
Are there any objections to swap those two? I mean starting the NFS server
and after that mounting the NFS filesystems?
A machine can be both of them, and this way it would be nice to simply
place some lines into /etc/fstab, instead of hacking with /etc/rc.local
and /etc/rc.conf.
Attila Nagy e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Budapest Polytechnic (BMF.HU) @work: +361 210 1415 (194)
H-1084 Budapest, Tavaszmezo u. 15-17. cell.: +3630 306 6758
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