On Jul 13, Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Considering that w2k and Linux both have sack enabled by default, it's
> not going away.  Do you have a link to the thread that says sack
> doesn't help?

I agree SACK is useful, but like I say, I ended up in a flamewar IIRC
because people couldn't agree whether it was any good.

Alas, the FreeBSD mail archive search engine is not very good at tracking
this thread down, but I think it was on freebsd-net that I brought it up,
and it was perhaps nearly two years ago now. I was probably using a
different mail address as well. I'll try and go back and find it later this
weekend and give you a synopsis of what went on there.
> There was a post in June on the -net mailinglist from a guy that is
> working on getting SACK into -STABLE, so there's hope yet.

Hope so. Like I say, it's one of the things I always wanted to see in
FBSD. Oh, apart from proper clustering support. ;-)

Paul Robinson                   ,---------------------------------------
Technical Director @ Akita      | A computer lets you make more mistakes
PO Box 604, Manchester, M60 3PR | than any other invention with the 
T: +44 (0) 161 228 6388 (F:6389)| possible exceptions of handguns and
                                | Tequila    - Mitch Ratcliffe

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