>>>>> "John" == John Reynolds <John> writes:

 John> Hello all,

Hello, this is no hacker material, this question should go to -questions
or -stable.

 John> Does anybody have any bookmarked pointers to setting up
 John> mgetty+AutoPPP under FreeBSD -STABLE?

Take a look at the handbook, especially topic 17.2 :

 John> If somebody has pointers or sample config files, I would be happy
 John> to try and mark them up and submit them to the -doc project!

-doc already knows about the subject :)

Eric Masson
 Je vais mettre Mouse Office pour voir combien de kilomètres je parcours
 entre 2 changements de scotch et nettoyage de boule. Même dans le
 domaine du petit bricolage, il faut savoir rester rigoureux.   :-)
 -+- CH in Guide du Macounet Pervers : Bien bricoler sa souris -+-

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