I'd really be interested in the results from the kernel security BoF from
USENIX (sine I missed it) and seeing how we can apply any of the resultant
ideas into SPY, ie. utilize interfaces or styles.

Anyone know where we could find the BoF information? Robert?


On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Andrzej Bialecki wrote:

> Hi,
> I just uploaded an updated version of the SPY, which is a kernel module
> that allows to selectively monitor and/or block execution of any
> syscalls. This version works on relatively current -CURRENT (after the
> struct proc changes). You can get it from:
>       http://people.freebsd.org/~abial
> See also the detailed description there.
> I should be able also to provide a version for 4-STABLE soon, depending on
> my time and availability of the machine...
> Enjoy!
> -- 
> Andrzej
> // ----------------------------------------------------------------
> // Andrzej Bialecki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chief System Architect
> // WebGiro AB, Sweden (http://www.webgiro.com)
> // ----------------------------------------------------------------
> // <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> FreeBSD developer (http://www.freebsd.org)
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| Andrew R. Reiter 
| "It requires a very unusual mind
|   to undertake the analysis of the obvious" -- A.N. Whitehead

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