If memory serves me right, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 2:13 PM -0700 7/11/01, Bruce A. Mah wrote:
> >I need to make an executable to run on an i386 box running
> >FreeBSD 2.2.X machine.  Unfortunately, it has no compiler
> >installed on it.  All of the computers I have at my disposal
> >currently are i386s running 4-STABLE or 5-CURRENT.  Upgrading
> >the target machine is not an option.
> Could you run 2.2.x in a virtual machine under VMWARE?  I have
> vmware on one of my boxes, and I intended to try creating a
> 2.2.8 system on it sometime.  It probably would not perform
> great, but it'd be good enough to do a few simple compiles on.
> I also still have cd's for 2.2.6 and 2.2.7 if you'd want me to
> try that.

[picking a random message to reply to]

Thanks to everyone for their ideas and offers of help!

On the rationale that any office should have some old clunker machines
lying around, one of my cow-orkers and I ended up scrounging around
people's cubes, until we found a P5-166 that someone didn't want (for
some reason he was trying to make -CURRENT run on it, but he gave up).
I grabbed 2.2.8 via an FTP install (first time I've done that in about
three years), and we're good to go.



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