I requested the bug list for that ``compiler'' at one point and was 
given hundreds of sheets of ``known bugs'' (several bugs per sheet).  
At the time, I was looking for alternatives to g++ because of a bug 
I'd come across.  Needless to say, the bug in question appeared in 
the cfront known-bugs documentation :)

In short, avoid cfront :o{}

> The original Stroustrop AT&T C++ complier called cfront was a front-end C
> compiler.  They may have it available at research.att.com.  It's missing some
> things, though, like generic container classes.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rayson Ho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 9:45 PM
> Subject: C++ to C translator
> Hi,
> I have written some code in C++. However, I want to run it on an old
> mainframe machine, which a C++ compiler is not available.
> I know that the old g++ is a C++ to C compiler. Does anyone know which
> version it is? Also, anyone knows other C++ to C compilers?
> Thanks,
> Rayson
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Brian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Don't _EVER_ lose your sense of humour !      <brian@[uk.]OpenBSD.org>

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