On Tue, 3 Jul 2001, Andre Grosse Bley wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Sorry, but i did not know how i can describe these troubles better.
> But: I applyed your patch, set net.inet.tcp.tcp_seq_genscheme: 1 -> 0
> and both scp/LPRng work again.
> > Note that the patch addresses _only_ problems with connections
> > being established to the same host / port in a quick hurry. There are no
> Issuing several "lpq"s in a minute results to connections to the same
> host (printserver) and port.
> I dont know exactly how scp works, perhaps its just the same?
Yep, it would be the same situation if you're running a bunch of scps in a
row. The reason I was confused earlier is that I wasn't sure if you were
talking about scps not starting, or aborting in the middle.
Mike "Silby" Silbersack
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