> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 21:44:43 -0500
> From: Michael C . Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The issue is a lot more complicated than what you think.

How so?  I know that idleproc and the new ipending / threaded INTs
enter the picture... and, after seeing the "HLT benchmark" page, it
would appear that simply doing nothing is sometimes better than
doing something, although I'm still scratching my head over that...

> This actually is a big issue in our future SMP implementation.

I presumed as much; the examples I gave were trivial.

I also assume that memory allocation is a major issue... to not waste time
with inter-CPU locking, I'd assume that memory would be split into pools,
a la Hoard.  Maybe start with approx. NPROC count equally-sized pools,
which are roughly earmarked per hypothetical process.

For example:  If MAXUSERS=80 --> NPROC=1300, a machine with 256 MB might
use 192 kB initial granularity for mmap() requests, giving 128 MB to each
processor as a first approximation.

Now, no locking is needed on mmap() until a given CPU's "pool" hits low
water, and steals from another pool.  This would hopefully be infrequent,
particularly assuming that memory allocations would be distributed roughly
equally between CPUs.

I'm assuming that memory allocations are 1:1 mappable wrt processes.  Yes,
I know that's faulty and oversimplified, particularly for things like
buffers and filesystem cache.

> There are two types of processor affinity: user-configurable
> and system automated.  We have no implementation of the former,

Again, why not "hash(sys_auto, user_config) % NCPU"?  Identical processes
would be on same CPU unless perturbed by user_config.  Collisions from
identical user_config values in unrelated processes would be less likely
because of the sys_auto pertubation.

Granted:  It Is Always More Complicated. (TM)  But for a first pass...

> and alfred-vm has a semblance of the latter.  Please wait
> patiently.....

Or, if impatient, would one continue to brainstorm, not expect a
response (i.e., not get disappointed when something basic is posted),
and track -current after the destabilization? :-)



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