> You've misinterpreted the paper. :(

    Sorry, I got the reference wrong.  I was referring to a
    recently published HP paper[1] which concluded that "contrary
    to conventional wisdom, even a select based server can
    provide high throughput if its overhead is amortized by
    performing more useful work per select call."

    This supported the results of benchmarks I conducted on
    FreeBSD using select, poll and kqueue at the heart of the
    State Threads implementation.

    [1] http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2000/HPL-2000-174.pdf

> As far as raising the amount of pollable entries, can you try your
> app with your kernel recompiled to accept 2xNO_FILE and 2xFD_SETSIZE
> and let us know if that solves your problem?

    I've been using kern.maxproc=kern.maxprocfiles=2*32768 for my
    tests and that worked successfully.

    - Sascha                                     Experience IRCG
      http://schumann.cx/                http://schumann.cx/ircg

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