Patents don't always require licensing. Ever Unix system extant
has a patented piece in it [or perhaps HAD is more appropriate]
as the patents had expired.
I saw the copy of it years ago and I looked for it recently but
can't figure out where it is.
The permissions - the old -rwx- etc we are so familiar with was
patented, Ritchie or Thompson, and was patented and permitted to be
used by anyone. This was so no one could monopolize it.
Jordan pointed out the XOR routing for curosor hiding, and 15 years
ago there was big hub-bub and a lot of net-posting on that fearing
that someone might try to enforce that. It was a well-know useage
but someone did patent it. This goes to the era of the suits on
'look and feel'. We just need to hide all the code from the
Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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