On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Deepak Jain wrote:

> I've never seen this error. Its been occuring randomly on this
> machine, sometimes as often as every few minutes, sometimes days
> apart.
> Others have seen this error (based on a Google search) but nothing recent
> and nothing that conclusive. This is a very standard config that has been
> stable for quite a while. The panic: malloc: lost data implies to me that
> something is misbehaving with its memory allocations.
> Is this a hardware issue or an application problem? The kernel is 4.1

Well, this is definitely not an application problem.  Your kernel
panics before the malloc data for allocated/free memory is corrupt
somehow.  This seems to be a hardware problem.  Namely one of your
memory chips playing tricks on you.

I would start by removing a few RAM chips and seeing if this happens
when a particular set of them are being used.  If the problem persists
but only when a certain chip is present, you know whats wrong :)


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