On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 02:15:02PM +0200, Stijn Hoop wrote:
> BTW, Andrew, I really hope you do succeed (esp. with the recent
> 4.1.0 troubles). Thanks for investigating this!
> --Stijn

The problem is incredibly simple. I explain it and offer a patch in my
response to Will's messages.

As many might know from the freebsd-stable list, another problem with
the i810 exists, namely the server won't start at all. As they
discussed, the solution is to add

        Options "NoDDC"

to the i810 "Device" section of XF86Config.

Unfortunately, this won't fix the VT problem. You will need to apply my
patch and rebuild XFree86 for that. Don't feel bad... I think I rebuilt
and reinstalled XFree86 4.1.0 six times trying to track down the
problem. If I had only decided much earlier, "Hey, let's look at the
4.0.1 EnterVT and LeaveVT functions to see what could be wrong," I would
have saved loads of time.

Andrew Hesford

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