--<cut here>--
Index: etc/rc
RCS file: /stl/src/FreeBSD/src/etc/rc,v
retrieving revision 1.264
diff -u -r1.264 rc
--- etc/rc 2001/05/13 20:43:30 1.264
+++ etc/rc 2001/05/21 00:19:25
@@ -184,9 +184,14 @@
case ${bootmode} in
echo 'Automatic boot in progress...'
-# To restore old fsck behavior use:
-# fsck -p
- fsck -F -p
+ case ${background_fsck} in
+ [Yy][Ee][Ss])
+ fsck -F -p
--<cut here>--
This patch doesn't work on boxes with nfs/msdos mounts...
I suggest adding "-t no,nfs,msdos,ntfs" to the parameter list.
Andreas Dobloug
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