Matthew Jacob([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.05.28 09:54:28 +0000:
> Ah. You want to reinvent the drum?
when i recall it right, someone told me about a paper presented at
usenix about logging to a single disk which is exactly the thing that
would do the job here. it was, i think, discussed in a very terse
fashion on -hackers last year. the idea was that a single disk for
logging purposes would be sufficient in terms of spindle speed and much
cheaper than a raid setup and it would not require from-scratch
development of a log structured filesystem because it would sit
between the fs abstraction and io layers.
> May the source be with you!
KR433/KR11-RIPE -- WebMonster Community Founder -- nGENn GmbH Senior Techie -- --
karsten& -- alpha& -- alpha& -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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