On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 11:35:15AM -0500, Chris Dillon wrote:
> > > For the second boot I unplugged the USB hub. This time everything was
> > > fine... I'm sending this mail from the FreeBSD machine's console.
> >
> > Replying to my own post:
> >
> > The problem is the Logitech joystick, not the hub itself. Every time I
> > boot with the joystick plugged in, FreeBSD 4.3 pukes.
> I was about to ask you if it wasn't one of the devices plugged into
> the hub and not the hub itself. Glad I read the next message. :-)
> A friend of mine has a Saitek joystick that when plugged into his
> FreeBSD 4.3 system causes the same problems. I thought it was just
> another mis-behaved USB device and told him to keep it unplugged.
> He's not likely to use it with FreeBSD anytime soon, anyway.
I'm glad it's a repeatable problem. Should make it easier for the usb
coders to debug. I still have not had time to generate more debugging
information, but hope to get to that this week, soon.
> > The joystick is a force-feedback model (Logi Formula Force), but
> > is otherwise just your average every day USB joystick.
> IIRC, the joystick that my friend has is also force-feedback.
> Coincidence? I've got a force-feedback USB joypad that I can plug in
> and see if there are any problems. I haven't tried lately, though
> FreeBSD was happy with it when I tried a few months ago.
I didn't have the same problem with FreeBSD 4.1, and I'm almost certain
it did not occur with 4.2, but I might have had the joystick unplugged
when I was using 4.2.
FF devices probably report more information or do so differently than other
devices. Some of them also auto-calibrate and things like that which might
either slow things down or maybe they announce their presence on the bus twice
or something.
Did you notice, before the crash, that the kernel had some trouble querying
the offending device? That happens with me, and then a little while later in
the boot it crashes.
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