The ypserv bug (the one where ypserv randomly stops responding or
just seg-faults) is still very much alive.  I had to restart it
about 11 times in the course of 20 minutes this morning.  That's
the bad news, the good news is that I started it each time with
'ktrace -i'.  

Going back a bit, Matt Dillon suggested that the problem may have been
in the signal handler for sigchld.  I looked at the signal handler and 
it does not appear to be doing anything dangerous at all (just a
child_count--;)  is it doing something dangerous that I am just not seeing?

Also, in the last 200 lines of kdump output for each and every crash there
is the sequence of calls "select();  gettimeofday();"... that sequence of
calls never appears in the ypserv source code, but does appear in svc_tcp.c
in librpc... my question is: "ypserv defines its own svc_run, and for
TCP connections specifically handles things itself very carefully, how is
the svc_tcp.c code getting called at all?"  I think the answer to that is
the source of the problem (it should also be noted that in the case where
ypserv hasn't died and I have collected ktrace information -- up to 8 gig
of it -- the "select(); gettimeofday();" sequence is _never_ called.)

One of my ktrace-s is _very_ small, only 330K, from fork()/exec() to 
SIG_DFL/SEGV, so I am hoping this will provide easily digestible information.
I did not include context-switch information in the ktrace for the following
  1) It didn't appear to be usefull, and since I did specify the -i, it is 
     obvious where context switches occur (to the only thing that could affect
     anything: the children)
  2) It caused ypserv to act strangely... instead of dying, it just got
     very slow, and didn't respond.

Anyone interested in helping me track this one down?

David Cross                               | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Lab Director                              | Rm: 308 Lally Hall
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,         | Ph: 518.276.2860            
Department of Computer Science            | Fax: 518.276.4033
I speak only for myself.                  | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD

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