On 18-Apr-01 Andrew Gallatin wrote:
> Mike Silbersack writes:
>  > 
>  > Once that's done, it'll probably be a matter to send a clawhammer
>  > system and a large box of cheese and crackers to the guys who did the
>  > freebsd alpha port.  If the architecture is actually so similar to x86,
>  > it should only take them a few weekends. :)
> As one of the FreeBSD/alpha porters, I must point out that I don't
> know diddly-squat about low-level x86isms.  I've never even written a
> line of x86 assembly.  
> What's the timeframe that they're shooting for with this beast, anyway?

The person you want to be asking is Peter Wemm, who has already looked at the
feasibility of a port from the kernel side for x86-64.  He estimates one week
if we clean up the i386 pmap first so we can pull from it when doing the x86-64
(or ka64) stuff.

Also, in case you aren't aware (this is not to you Drew, I know you know :))
FreeBSD already has an ia64 port underway in -current.  ia64, x86-64, ppc,
and a few others are on the radar scope of the FreeBSD developers.

> Drew


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