I have found _a_ bug in ypserv (I think I may be stumbling over multiple
different bugs, but this one is very reproducable).

It is dying in the yp_testflags routine, in the for loop that goes through
the CIRCLEQ.  The loop dies with qptr pointing to a struct that is all NULL
(my reading of CIRCLEQ suggests this isn't supposed to be possible), *and*
qhead (the global variable representing the CIRCLEQ_HEAD) pointing to a
structure that is all NULL (also not supposed to be possible). The fact that
&qptr != qhead to me suggests that there was data there when it started, but
that it got ripped out from in under it.  I am not sure how though:
qhead is a "static" global variable, and the only async entry into the 
routine is called from the signal-handler for SIGHUP, problem is that SIGHUP
is not being called.

(Aside: this has been a real pain to track down... I traced it into the
RPC library and back out the other side... NOT FUN)
David Cross                               | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Lab Director                              | Rm: 308 Lally Hall
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,         | Ph: 518.276.2860            
Department of Computer Science            | Fax: 518.276.4033
I speak only for myself.                  | WinNT:Linux::Linux:FreeBSD

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