I'm trying to build a PicoBSD "Bridge" floppydisk so that I can create an
Ethernet<-->WaveLAN bridge (basically, the poor man's WaveLAN Access
Point) using an old 486 with a ISA->PCMCIA adapter and a WaveLAN PCMCIA

Unfortunately, I'm having problems buildin the PicoBSD bootfloppy.

I've been following the directions in:

So I go into the /usr/src/release/picobsd/build directory, and I run the
"picobsd" build script found therein.  I answer all the questions (under
"Type", I choose "bridge"; I edit the kernel.config file and add all the
bits for PCMCIA, WaveLAN, my particular ethernet card, etc.) then I edit
the crunch.conf file, then I hit "Ready, build it!"  It churns for awhile,
but then bombs out like so:

PicoBSD build -- Current parameters:

        1.  Type: bridge name bridge
        2.  MFS size: 2200 kB
        3.  Site-info:
        4.  Full-path: /usr/src/release/picobsd/bridge
-> We'll use the sources living in /usr/src
-> vnode is 0

-> I hope you have checked the PICOBSD config file...

(cd /usr/src/sys/compile/PICOBSD-bridge; make KERNEL=kernel -DNO_MODULES)
no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
 [filling in parms for init]
cd: can't cd to /usr/ports/picobsd/more
crunchgen: Can't execute: cd /usr/ports/picobsd/more && echo -n `/bin/pwd`

make: cannot open
---> fail: Error <2> error code <crunch>
Error while building bridge.
---> Aborting ./picobsd
[dburr@borg-cube:145 build]#

I used "find" and "locate" but couldn't find any files named "crunch.mk"
anywhere in my src tree...  just to be certain, I wiped it all out and
re-checked it out from cvs, and still there was no crunch.mk.

I've never worked with PicoBSD before, and I freely admit without shame
that I don't really know what I'm doing here.  Is there anyone out there
who has done something similar to me (building a WaveLAN bridge) or
someone who knows more about PicoBSD in general who would be willing to
lend a hand?  I would be very grateful for any assistance receivd.

Thanks! - Donald
Donald Burr of Borg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     | FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!
WWW: http://www.borg-cube.com/  ICQ #16997506 | http://www.freebsd.org/
P.O. Box 91212, Santa Barbara, CA 93190-1212  \-----------------------------
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