On 06-Apr-2001 Rasputin wrote:
>  * Daniel O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010406 10:08]:
> > 
> > On 06-Apr-2001 Rasputin wrote:
> > The loader can load the kernel and modules off any filesystem it understands.
>        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>  Gimme a 'D'! Gimme an 'O'! Gimme an 'H'!
>  For some reason I thought the kernel loaded it's own modules.
>  More caffeine please, Nurse....

Heh.. 'boot strap' :)

The kernel can link its own modules after its booted though (I think thats how it

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum

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