[This question is more appropriate for -net IMHO]

-On [20010322 03:00], David E. Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>I recently tried (for the first time) to get gif running under FreeBSD
>4.3-BETA (cvsup-ed yesterday).  I noticed the following:
>gifconfig gif0 inet
>ifconfig gif0 netmask 0xffffff00
>and then I 'ping' it will try to route the packet instead of 
>reply directly.  I need to 'route add' to have it
>reply to the packet directly.  I don't need to do this for other types
>of interfaces... did I mess something up, is this how it is supposed to 
>be (doesn't seem to be documented as such).

I think that's how it is supposed to be given that gif's main function
is to tunnel things and it works on a point-to-point basis.

I might be wrong, in which case I am sure UMEMOTO-san or ITOJUN-san will
correct me.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven/Asmodai .oUo. asmodai@[wxs.nl|freebsd.org]
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