CC="gcc -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer" OPTIM="-O2 -DBUFFERED_LOGS"

could some c guru tell me if this would be bad to use to an apache
optimization? I need to compile apache on my own not with ports....
looking at makefile
in apache13 in ports collection i see these optimization flags.
along with --mmap-static module.

can you use both -06 and -02 for optmization at the same time?
-fomit-frame-pointer as well?

this is my full config line so far
CC="gcc -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer" OPTIM="-O2 -DBUFFERED_LOGS" ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-module=rewrite

alot of other crap modules get thrown into httpd.conf as well i have
noticed....slowly researching each and disabling what i don;t need.

INterested in talking with some c experts and apache experts on this


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