On 12-Mar-01 Joseph Gleason wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alfred Perlstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Ian Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 23:41
> Subject: Re: Greater than 2GB per process
>> * Ian Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010311 16:14] wrote:
>> >
>> > Hello,
>> > Could anybody advise me on the possiblity of having greater than
>> > 2GB per process on FreeBSD. I have tried increasing the limit beyond
> this
>> > and the kernel compiles successfully - however libc causes every process
>> > to segfault. I am assuming that just recompiling the C library wouldn't
> do
>> > the trick but perhaps someone could confirm this.
>> It's not possible on the Intel archetecture with the current system,
>> changing the current intel system to use > 2GB processes would cost too
>> much in terms of performance (64 bit values on a 32 bit system).
>> At least that's what i've been told.
> I know very little about how kernel or low level processor stuff works, but
> shouldn't we be able to do a 4GB process on a 32-bit system?
> The limitation of 2GB per process should only be an issue if there is some
> need to use signed numbers, right?

In theory, yes.  In practice, the kernel and userland share the same memory
area so that the kernel can more easily access user memory when handling
syscalls, etc.  Technically we could switch to using a separate virtual memory
space for the kernel, but it would require work from someone very familiar
with the vm system and the 386 side of vm.  (Or someone willing to learn
enough of it)  We don't have very many such people unless you are
volunteering. :)

> Joe Gleason


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