Hi! In a recent thread on freebsd-stable there were a couple of
postings that I copied for you.
Nevermind posted:
I've asked about this before. So that's my howto:
1. You will need the while cvs repository preferablely on local hard disks.
You can get it by cvsuping 'cvs-all' target.
2. cvsup complete src tree to your /usr/src or any other place
you are usually
place your source tree. (we'll call it $SRCDIR)
3. You'll need a lot of free space (about 1.6-2Gb)
Also, create some dir where you want to put release files,
there should be
about 1Gb free.
4. cd $SRCDIR/release
make release CVSROOT=here_your_cvs_repo BUILDNAME="4.2-STABLE" \
RELEASETAG=RELENG_4 CHROOTDIR=your_dir_where_to_put_release_files
(maybe I'm missing some flags, but now I have no source tree
to look at.
5. wait some hours/days depending on your hardware and disk speed :))
6. when it will finish,
cd $CHROOTDIR/R/cdrom/disc1
mkisofs -o ~/FreeBSD-4.2-STABLE-image.iso -J -r -b floppies/boot.flp
7. burn it on CD using burncd for example.
And Thomas T. Veldhouse posted:
I use ncftp3:
% mkdir freebsd && cd freebsd
% ncftp3 releng4.freebsd.org
ncftp> cd /pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/i386/4.2-20010213-STABLE
ncftp> bin
ncftp> get *.TXT *.inf
ncftp> get -R bin catpages compat1x compat20 compat21 compat22 compat3x
crypto dict
ncftp> get -R doc floppies games info manpages ports proflibs src
ncftp> bye
% cd ..
% mkisofs -r -o freebsd.iso -b floppies/boot.flp -c
floppies/boot.cat -V"4.2-20010213-STABLE" freebsd/
That's it! Make sure you use the trailing forward slash.
Hope this helps!
>I certainly hope I'm posting this to the right list -- if not, please redirect
>me accordingly. Thanks. :)
>I'm interested in taking FreeBSD and putting it on a bootable CD for use in
>a so-called "appliance". Can anyone recommend a place to start? Specifically,
>I'm unsure how to create a bootable anything -- so it might be good to start
>with instructions on how to create a bootable floppy. What files will I need
>in /dev? Is there a HOWTO anywhere?
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