Lars Eggert wrote:

> [Repost from last week, no answer then.]
> How do I capture an early kernel dump (before rc executes and sets
> dumpdev)?
> The dump partition used to be an option in the kernel config file, but that
> seems to have changed in 3.X or 4.X.
> Thanks,
> Lars

How early?  We could dump if you were prepared to hardwire in the minor and
major device numbers to get to the devsw[] vectors and manually set the

The biggest problem is that if it is Really Early (TM) we may not have read
the disk label and may not be able to see what the partitions look like. It
may need to be blindly dumped using a magic offset that you supply
somewhere and *hope* that you get the numbers correct so you dont trash

Alternatively.. dedicate a disk for it and just start dumping to the beginning
of the disk and work upwards...

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