On 01-Feb-01 Doug White wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, John Baldwin wrote:
>> Then only rename it in 4.x We can do an API change for 5.0.  We'll be
>> renaming syscall2() back to syscall() in 5.0 for example.  We don't
>> want to end up with syscall47() someday in FreeBSD 67.2. :-P
> And what happens to apps using the previous syscall(2) interface? They
> die horribly?  That's not acceptable.

Huh?  syscall2() is an internal kernel function.  The only thing that might
call it is a kernel module, and we won't support 4.x KLD's on 5.0.  Period.
It was renamed to syscall2() to cause old KLD's to fail to load with a symbol
lookup problem back when teh MPSAFE flag was first added to x86 syscalls.  The
only thing that changing it back to syscall() in -current does is cause any 6
month old 5.0-current KLD's that happen to call syscall() to call it wrong.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
PGP Key: http://www.baldwin.cx/~john/pgpkey.asc
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