* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010131 19:30] wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> First off, I would like to thank everyone on this list for there help
> especially in response to my 'kernel hacking' question. Here is my question:
> I am a beggining C programmer, I have written a simple calculator etc, and I
> understand basic C concepts, is it correct to ask normal programming
> questions on the 'freebsd-hackers' mailing list? To be honost I just about
> know it is not correct, so if it is not does anyone know a good programming
> (C) mailing list I could subscribe too?
Generally the FreeBSD-hackers is list is for programming relating
to FreeBSD.
I would look up the comp.lang.c FAQ for references to "general
lists". Don't make the mistake of posting there before checking
the FAQ, last I checked they're pretty militant about answering
questions only related to C, not C+UNIX, C+DOS, C+WIN32, etc.
best of luck,
"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."
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