:At 10:33 26/01/01 -0800, Matt Dillon wrote:
:> I think it is worth doing. A quick google search shows that
:> the linux folks discussed the AIX thingy in March 1999, but
:> I don't think they actually implemented. From the discussion,
:> it appears that the fcntl would be useful and (not having seen
:> your patches), almost certainly trivial to implement.
:you're right. (I can resend it as a tar file...)
:*** kern_descrip.c Fri Jan 26 19:42:18 2001
:--- kern_descrip.c.new Fri Jan 26 20:24:07 2001
Yah, something like that. You can test whether the descriptor
is valid before calling close() on it, which should make it a lot
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