* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010125 19:04] wrote:
> hey guys i know you probably get this question all the time but i am looking
> into getting into doing somekernel hacking first i will tell you some thing i
> have assumed about it:
> 1.) you should know atleast more programming language well (probably C would
> be best)
C is necessary including a strong understanding of the pre-precessor,
knowing a bit about 'make' is also pretty important.
> 2.) you should know some basic stuff about FreeBSD internels (i am planning
> on getting The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System
Well more than 'basic' hopefully. :)
Good choice on a book, others to look at are:
"UNIX Internals 'the new frontiers'" Vahalia
"The Basic Kernel Source Secrets" Jolitz
and of course "The UNIX Hater's Handbook"
> that is about it the rest really is a blur and is so complex and huge i have
> no idea where to begin hope i wasn't to lame guys :-)
Find a local user group, find and talk to some kernel hackers, but
step away at the first sign of dizzyness or lightheadness.
Feel free to ask on the mailing lists if something is
confounding you, just be sure to check the mailing list archives
best of luck,
"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."
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