> That said, I still remain astonished not to get any comments or
> questions or hints or any other reactions about the analysis I have
> already provided. I have seen other mails in this list that exposed
> different kind of issues without requiring code sample to feed a
> constructive discussion. Did I miss something ?
Some types of problems simply lend themselves to being analyzed
without code and others do not. Perhaps the code in question is
similar to other code someone is familiar with, or perhaps they're
doing parallel work and can related it to the missing code sample,
either way it's pretty clear when you get NO feedback on something
that your problem does not fall into that category.
Feedback in FreeBSD (or in any other open source community) is driven
by a very Darwinian process: Those questions which can generate a
productive response given the ambient developer time-and-skill
conditions generally do, whereas those which can't, don't. It's not
an issue to be taken personally, but rather scientifically. If your
question generated absolutely no response then the question was simply
not "strong" enough and was ruthlessly culled from the question pool
through the selection pressure of evolution.
Of course, if you're a Creationist rather than a Darwinist then other
equally compelling explanations apply. :)
- Jordan
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