> >    I'll look into the Linux driver, however, and see if it has anything
> > useful in it. Historically the Linux Pro/100+ driver has totally sucked and
> > was chalk-full of magic numbers being anded and ored.
>That's "chock full", and you're confusing the Becker driver (bad) with
>the Intel-supplied driver (slightly less bad).

The intel driver seems to cover all the bases and has some nice glue 
routines for determining the part and features available.

I havent tested it under load, but I wonder if intel would consider 
supporting it if someone ported it over to freebsd? they have drivers for 
just about every other major OS except BSD. it would be nice if the driver 
was updated BEFORE cards and MBs that dont work started showing up on the 
loading dock. Every time I get a shipment we have to hold our breath until 
we try one out.


>... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
>rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
>to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
>people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
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